Kimi Almazora
Recruitment Specialist

About Me

I started as a Virtual assistant back in 2017-2020 and became a Recruitment Associate from 2020-2024.
I'm currently a Recruitment Specialist at GoremotePH


HR Administration
Executive Assistant
Social Media Manager
Data Entry
Customer Service
Job Postings


Google Sheet
Google Doc


Recruitment Specialist
Feb 2024 - Present
At GoRemotePh, I handle the entire recruitment process from start to finish. I excel in identifying top talent, conducting thorough interviews, and ensuring a smooth onboarding process. My strategic approach and keen eye for potential have been instrumental in building a strong and dynamic team.
Recruitment Specialist
Feb 2024 - Present
In my role at Dorxata, I play a crucial part in sourcing and screening applicants. My meticulous attention to detail ensures that only the most qualified candidates are considered. Beyond recruitment, I contribute to various internal tasks, optimizing processes and enhancing overall efficiency within the team.
Recruitment Associate
Magic, Inc
Sep 2020 - Jan 2024
As a Recruitment Associate at Magic, Inc, I thrived in a fully remote environment. I adeptly managed candidate pipelines, conducted virtual interviews, and coordinated with hiring managers to meet company goals. My ability to adapt to remote work has made me a valuable asset in the evolving job market.
Creative Solutions Specialist
Magic, Inc
May 2017 - Sep 2020
During my time as a Creative Solutions Specialist, I provided comprehensive virtual assistance, addressing a wide array of client needs. My creativity and problem-solving skills allowed me to deliver innovative solutions, making me an invaluable resource for both the team and our clients.


Business Administration and Management, General
Informatics International College

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